Edward Lindsey is a partner in Dentons US LLP Public Policy practice and serves as the Head of the firm’s Georgia State Government Affairs team.  Edward has more than 40 years of legal, political and leadership experience, including 10 years as a Georgia State Representative and 3 terms as the House Majority Whip. James Magazine, a statewide political journal, recognized him as one of Georgia’s most influential legislators.

Since leaving the Georgia General Assembly, Edward has represented statewide political candidates on election regulatory and litigation matters.  In January, 2022, he was appointed by Georgia Speaker David Ralston to a two year term on the Georgia State Election Board, which he recently completed.

In addition, Edward has served over the years on numerous nonprofit boards including the Uniform Law Commission. the Georgia Commission on Family Violence, North Fulton Chamber of Commerce, Brookhaven Innovation Academy Charter School, Georgia Fugees Academy Charter School, and the Committee for a United Atlanta. 

Edward has received numerous awards and recognitions over the years including the Atlanta Bar Association’s Distinguished Service Award, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce’s Legislator of the Year, the Greater Atlanta United Ways’ Safe Harbor Act Champion Award, the Georgia Charter School Association’s Champion of Children Award, and the Georgia Supreme Court’s Justice Robert Benham Award for Community Service.